Principal Investigator
Institute of Molecular Medicine and Cell Research
DKTK/DKFZ Partner Site Freiburg
Stefan-Meier-Str. 17
79104 Freiburg
- +49(0)761 / 203-9626
- Group leader at the DKTK/DKFZ (German Cancer Consortium) Partner Site Freiburg Boerries Lab for Systems Biology and Systems Medicine

Academic Education
2001 – 2004 | MDPhD Program in Basel, Switzerland (Dr. phil.) and assistant physician, Department of Cardiology, Inselspital, University of Bern, Switzerland (3 month/year) |
1994 – 2001 | Study of Medicine, University of Lübeck (Dr. med) |
Scientific Degrees
2005 | Dr. phil (PhD equivalent), Zellbiologie, Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, University of Basel, Switzerland: Dissecting novel regulatory mechanisms of S100A1 on cardiac function (summa cum laude) |
2004 | Dr. med., Extrazelluläre Effekte des Ca2+-bindenden Proteins S100A1: Grundlegende Experimente zur Morphologie und Funktion neonataler Kardiomyozyten in Abhängigkeit von den Kulturbedingungen (1.3, magna cum laude) |
Professional Experience
since 2013 | Group leader at the DKTK/DKFZ Partner Site Freiburg, Institute of Molecular Medicine and Cell Research, University of Freiburg |
2009 – 2012 | FRIAS, Principle Investigator together with Hauke Busch (CCC Group), Institute for Advanced Studies-LIFENET, University of Freiburg |
2007 – 2009 | Parental leave |
2005 – 2009 | Postdoctoral fellow, Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Freiburg |
2001 – 2005 | Assistant physician, Department of Cardiology, Inselspital, University of Bern, (3month/year, MDPhD program) and Ph.D. student, Dept. Structural Biology (Prof. U. Aebi), Biozentrum. University of Basel, Switzerland |
Other activities, awards and honours
since 2018 | Leading Use Case 3 “From Knowledge to Action – Support for Molecular Tumor Boards” of the Consortium MIRACUM within the BMBF Medical Informatics Initiative |
2017 | Call for a W2-Professorship of Bioinformatics in Cardiovascular Disease at the Goethe University of Frankfurt (DZHK Professorship). (Rejected July 2017) |
since 2016 | Coordinator of the clinical qualification program of the Bertha-Ottenstein-Program for Clinician Scientists (Freiburg) |
since 2015 | Board Member of the local DKTK Steering Committee Freiburg |
since 2015 | Member of the Molecular Tumor Board, University Medical Centre Freiburg |
since 2014 | Principal Investigator (PI), executive board member leading the Integrated Research Training Group of the SFB/CRC 850 |
2001 – 2005 | MDPhD scholarship of the Maurice E. Müller Foundation at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel, Switzerland |